Anime Cons and Cosplay
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The Latest From MaiOtaku

Just so you know, we are currently very hot. Like you haven't notice, ^_^. There's currently an average of 200 'unique visits' daily. Roughly half, maybe a little less, are current users (because they typed directly in the address bar). Several of those might be coming from our advertising at anime conventions. Many visitors come from google, since we're doing really well there. The rest are from email, facebook, or as a result of our many promotions efforts across the internet (big thanks to everyone who is helping spread the word).

Biggest known site issues are: forum interface improvements needed, more matching improvements, and a few improvements to the search page.

For forum interface: we're going to (hopefully soon) try to make it so the mainpage lists recently posted topics, and so that topics are sorted better.

For matching improvements: we've made a really awesome question/answers/attributes system that will eventually be shared to help make matching even better. We're also going to continue the trend towards focusing on people closer to you and on people who have attended the same conventions as you.

We're going to try to add international search to the search page soon too. It's easier for you, though, if you just use the matching system to find other people - it's pretty cool. We'll also figure out something more to do with the heart pieces!

There are also things that we think are working really well, so let us know if we're wrong. We think private messaging is perfect, and that comments are fairly smooth too. Making friends is simple enough (though we might want to let you sort them?). Image uploading is cool, but needs obvious tweaks and interface improvements, so it's on the schedule.

Thanks for being here!
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