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Kekkaishi [TV]

Plot Summary
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Yoshimori is a descendant of Kekkaishi. He’s responsible for eliminating dangerous ayakashi (spirits) to another world. However, Yoshimori has no motivation to continue this strenuous training. This gives his neighbour, Tokine, the advantage of capturing the ayakashi. Yoshimori couldn’t care less about losing to a girl, that is, until a foul mistake leads to a near-death experience for Tokine.

5 years later…

Although they’re rivalling neighbours, Yoshimori still cares for Tokine, and ever since Tokine was hurt by the ayakashi, Yoshimori swore that he would train hard to be a good Kekkaishi. Not because it’s part of the family line, it’s so he will become stronger, to protect those from getting hurt again.

*Synopsis by Himitsu from

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