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Aku Dai-Sakusen Srungle [TV]

Demon-God of the War-Torn Land Shogun, Macron 1, Mission Outer Space Srungle, Sengoku Majin Go-Shogun
Plot Summary

Set in the year 2545 A.D., Macron 1 was the story of a misguided teleportation experiment which hurled Earthling test pilot David Jance into a parallel universe- and in exchange, the evil Dark Star, leader of a terrorist cyborg-dominated army known as GRIP, wound up in our universe. From this point onward, David Jance and his crew of rebellious teenagers and mutants- first mate nomed Nok- flew on behalf of the parallel world’s heoic Beta Command, led by Dr. Chagall. Beta Command’s personnel included Nathan Bridger, the brilliant preteen son of late computer expert Dr. Bridger, whose scientific expertise placed him in a command post for which he was intellectually ready but psychologically ill-prepared.

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