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Akai Hayate [OVA]

Plot Summary

For over a thousand years, Japan was secretly ruled by the Shinogara, a society of ninja whose palace lies in a hidden valley at the base of Mt. Fuji. The assassins’ grip on Japan was unbreakable, until their finest warrior, Hayate Kanuma, rebelled against the group and murdered Shinogara’s fearsome leader – his own father!

Guilty of both betrayal and patricide, Hayate fled for his life, but his enemies dealt him a fatal blow. With only minutes to live, Hayate took a desperate gamble and transferred his soul into the body of his sister, Shiori.

Now, Shiori is wandering the streets of Tokyo, under the alias Yukiko. The assassins still search for her, unaware of her new powers. However, each time Shiori calls upon her brother, she sacrifices a part of herself. After all, two souls cannot occupy the same body for long!

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